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// 10am - 5pm, 12th October
// Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
Change My Mind.
It’s both a challenge and an invitation. But what does it take to change your mind about faith?
Justin Brierley has been hosting Unbelievable? in the UK for over a decade - a show which invites people to reconsider their beliefs every week. Join him for a conference that will help you to reach skeptics with the case for Christianity.
Learn from speakers who have journeyed from atheism to Christianity and now make the case for why science, history philosophy and experience all point to the one who changes the mind, heart and soul - Jesus Christ.

Justin is the host of the popular faith discussion show and podcast Unbelievable? on the UK’s Premier Christian Radio. He is the author of Unbelievable? Why, after ten years of talking with atheists, I’m still a Christian.

Brian is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, and has led churches in both the UK and the USA. Brian’s Bible teaching programme Back To Basics broadcasts around the world.

J Warner Wallace is a former atheist who has used his background as a homicide detective to develop Cold Case Christianity - a ministry that demonstrates the strength of evidence for Christian faith using the principles of cold case detective work.

Ruth is editor of Premier Youth and Children’s Work and a contributor to Hope Rising 365 (SPCK), a book for young women. She studied theology at Oxford University before working for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, where she helped set up the youth apologetics strand Reboot. She also plays bass in all-girl rock ‘n roll band The Daisy Chains.

John is Emeritus Professor of mathematics and philosophy of science at Oxford University. A leading Christian thinker, he has debated many of the world’s leading atheist voices. His latest book is Can Science Explain Everything?.

Mary Jo is assistant professor of apologetics at Houston Baptist University. A former atheist, she runs Confident Christianity, a ministry helping others to understand the evidence for faith. She is the author of the top-selling Bible study Why Do You Believe That?

AJ is a scholar with Reasons To Believe having worked in science research and teaching. She has a passion for showing how science and Christianity support each other.
There are lots of plenary sessions and breakout seminars to choose from at this year’s Unbelievable? Conference
Morning plenary sessions
John Lennox
Changing the culture: Living like Daniel in Babylon today.
Mary Jo Sharp
Why I changed my mind Pt 1: How a former atheist became a confident Christian.
J Warner Wallace
Why I changed my mind Pt 2: How a crime-scene detective followed the evidence for Christ.
Brian Broderson
Jesus: The ultimate game-changer
Afternoon seminars
John Lennox
The frontline of culture: Atheism, reason and the battle for the mind.
AJ Roberts
The frontline of science: Genesis, evolution and the case for a creator.
Ruth Jackson
The frontline of youth work: What the USA can learn from the UK’s unchurched generation.
Justin Brierley
Unbelievable? Why, after ten years of talking with atheists, I’m still a Christian
Mary Jo Sharp
Deconversion and Doubt: Holding on to faith when others are letting go.
J Warner Wallace
Making the case for Christ: Persuading skeptics that the resurrection really happened.
Afternoon plenary sessions
John Lennox & Justin Brierley
We need to talk about last night…
(Reflecting on the conversation with Dave Rubin)
All speakers panel discussion and audience Q&A
‘What does it take to change a mind?’

"An encouraging thought provoking conference which equips the thinking christian with practical tools to engage in and love a complex and varied world."

// 7:30pm, 11th October
// Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
Is God Dead? A conversation on faith, culture and the modern world
The West has become an increasingly post-Christian world with the rise of the ’nones’ and the influence of new atheism.
So, where are the next generation turning to in the search for meaning and identity? Is God finally dead, as Nietzsche once declared? Or is there space for a renaissance of religious belief in the modern world?
Justin Brierley hosts a live dialogue between two leading cultural commentators - John Lennox and Dave Rubin.